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Friday, February 24, 2012

Thoughts to share

Missio Dei Family and Friends,
As we start the season of Lent, I would like to take some time to share an experience I had with Lent. One of the first years I tried to give something up, I decided to simply not listen to the radio in my truck while I was working. After a week or two I started to get drowsy and flat out bored. I decided to get the Bible on cd and listen to that instead. This was much better than me nodding off in my truck. As time progressed, I developed a pattern of listening to the bible for half the day and sitting in silence the other half. Both were very important as one encouraged and complimented the other. As I listened to God’s story of revelation and interaction with man, I would always follow that with reflection. As I was reflecting on God, what I had heard, my life, and whatever was happening, God’s spirit truly convicted me. I don’t like the word “convicted” as it tends to be negative, but this conviction was a soul freeing experience. Up to that point, I knew God’s commands and His promises and in my head I kept them on a note pad, as if I was keeping notes for a class. I knew that God loved every one of us and kept it as a fact, not as an experience. Well, I experienced that love through the Spirit revealing it to me. That has affected me every day since, and I try to make my decisions based on that love that God gave. God was always pouring his love in my cup and yet I had never felt that cup overflow because of all of the holes I would poke in it. It only took me plugging a few of those holes to experience the love that is ever flowing and never ceasing.
I hope this has encouraged you in some way to try to give up something for lent. Not only to stop a bad habit or see if you can do it, but to see what God wants to reveal to you when you are watching and waiting. Whatever you give up, I would recommend to add something that allows you to focus on God where you have taken something out of your schedule, diet, tv time, or whatever it may be. Allow the Spirit to work through you and follow His guidance. May God be ever praised!!
Jeff Posth

Friday, January 27, 2012

Time for some good old fashion cleaning

We have some cleaning to do at the new building at Jesse Ln. Nothing to labor intensive but some good old finish cleaning. We need folks to come down tomorrow and help with sweeping, mopping, windows cleaning, deep bathroom cleaning, etc. We will be starting at 9 a.m. in the morning and should only be there a couple of hours. I would ask if you come down to bring some cleaning supplies, rags, mop, etc to make sure that we have everything that is needed. If anything come on down and see all the newly painted rooms and our working elevator. Many thanks and God bless

Jeff Posth

Saturday, January 14, 2012

We’ve got cabinets!

Thank you to Dan & Dominic Aguilar, Tom & Ben Christopherson, two great father-son teams (fondly known as the “A-Team”), and to Myron, Diego, and Johnny, the only guy I know that just happens to carry a stud finder in his car, for pitching in and helping to install the cabinets on the lower floor of the new building. 

Special thanks to Sean Arnett for measuring, designing, and purchasing the cabinets for the new building, and to Tom, Ben, and Diego for picking up and hauling the cabinets to the building.

Things are moving fast now, the drywall has been mudded, taped and sanded, and most of the walls are primed and ready for paint. Now with the cabinets in, paint is coming next.  We need to mop all the texture over spray off the concrete downstairs on the kid’s size.  Once that’s done, it’s time to stain the concrete.  Whew, there’s still a lot of work.  So sign up and come down and join us as we prepare a place of worship for all.

I also want to thank my wife Eileen, who would have been much happier if I had stayed home with her and worked on cleaning up the yard.  Thanks Eileen for  letting me go & play with the guys.

Jim Bloom

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thank you all!!

Thank you all for coming out tonight!! We will be having a large workday this Saturday at the Jesse Ln. building starting at 9:00. If you are available to help this Saturday and/or know someone that would help please let me know via email at jeff@missiodeicc.org

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Need some folks :)

Calling all who can help. We need to remove the massive amount of drywall scraps that have been left on the floor of our new building in preparation of a inspection on Friday. All the pieces are small so male or female are welcome to help. We have one day to get this done so please contact me at jeff@missiodeicc.org to let me know you can help. We will start at 5:30 on Jesse Ln. and hopefully be done within an hour of starting, many hands make a light load for us all. Please contact me if you can help :) Thank you and God bless

Jeff Posth

Friday, December 30, 2011

"Man that's a lot of dirt!"

The #1 comment about this picture was, "Man that's a lot of dirt!"

Can't argue with the truth.  All that dirt came out of a hole in the parking lot where the new commercial grease interceptor was buried. (see below)

 Man Person holes, & Sample box

To the right is the only evidence of the 1350 gallon grease interceptor designed to protect the city's sewer system

Another by product of the grease interceptor.  Asphalt recycling anyone?

 Executive Suites Power Panel surrounded by wall insulation to keep down the noise.

 This is the Executive Suite Administrator's Work Area.

Fire Riser fully plumbed and on stand-by!

 Anyone know why we have green drywall?

Hallway to the Youth Activity Room.


  Wires, wires, wires everywhere!

Plenty more Insulation

View of sound room with drywall

View from Lobby facing Stage

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pray For Steve

I wanted to invited everyone to pray for Steve Schechtman and his family. Steve's father passed away today after about 7 years of illness. He was in a local convalescent home and Steve is able to be there for his mother at this time. I will let everyone know if there is anything that we can do to help the family.
